Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice (Week 4)

After we’re treated to Vinny’s 47th explanation of what’s happening, he adds that he’d like to send Piers back to England on The Titanic.  Anyone want to tell him all the things wrong with that one?  Yeah, I didn’t think so.

He then reenters the Hydra war room, where Piers is all ‘Congrats!’ and fakely cordial. Vinny ain’t havin’ it, and says that, if this had happened in the ‘real world’ he’d have been chopped up and put in a suitcase.  Let me guess…would Layla be playing while all of this was happening?  I knew it.

Piers manages a straight face as he says the following to the camera:  “I knew he wasn’t going to get murdered by Marilu Henner.”  Wow, that would have really added something to the proceeds though, huh?

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