Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice (Week 4)

Piers thinks he hears and sees a member of Empresario listening to their strategy session, and immediately hatches a plan to stage a fight with Vinny, which will culminate in him being thrown out of Hydra’s war room so he can spy on the girls.  Piers calls Vinny his, “Luca Brasi,” which must be his trigger word, because Vinny now moves into an alternate universe where The Sopranos is totally real, he is Big Pussy, and every reference he makes from here on out is Mob-related.  I wish I were kidding.

Vinny’s performance (hey, Gandolfini’s a good teacher!) gets the girls to allow him in, where he asks to join their team.  It should be noted that Omarosa buys this hook, line and sinker.  Piers interviews that Trump will think it’s weak of the women to let a man onto their team at this point.

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