Celebrity Apprentice

Snap Judgements: Celebrity Apprentice Season 2 (Jan 15)

Herschel Walker, Retired NFL PlayerDON: Recently, he admitted to suffering from multiple personality disorders. The obvious commentary here is to try and work in the fact that its not

fair he’ll be able to channel his various personalities, each with their own dance genre strength, and have an advantage over everyone. Or I could speculate how, from one show to the next, you’ll never know which Herschel Walker will be dancing. Instead, I’m going “sports geek” on you and I’m going to wonder aloud (trust me when I tell you that I say all the words I’m typing out loud) if he’ll wear shrinky shirts like he wore in college and if, at one point, as the first Heisman winner athlete to have appeared on this show, if he’ll strike a Heisman pose at some point at the end of one of his dance numbers. Odds: 100%.MYNDI: Um, Don? I know it’s confusing sometimes, and hard to keep track, but this the cast of Celebrity Apprentice, not DWTS. Also, if I could be a superhero, and have any power, it would totally be “dance genre strength”!

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