Celebrity Apprentice

Snap Judgements: Celebrity Apprentice Season 2 (Jan 15)

MYNDI: I’m guessing Rodman will be sort of like the Gene Simmons of Season 2, only without all the actual business accomplishments. You see, as much as we all loathed Simmons, we had to begrudgingly admit he did have some marketing savvy. I know Rodman’s had some success marketing himself over the years (wedding gown drag for a book signing, anyone?) but I don’t see him as all that much of a powerhouse in this arena. Unless he’s allowed to block people. That might help him.

EJ: Dennis Rodman is hard to look at, and I’m not looking forward to recapping him. Let’s just get that out of the way. I’m actually interested, though, in seeing what persona he brings to the show. Has he learned anything from watching his 15 minutes run out? Or does he wish that he’d been just a little more outrageous? The more I think about it, the more I think that watching him in the Boardroom for the first time is the thing I’m most excited about for this season. We’re talking about a guy who got outwitted by Carmen Electra, after all. So, you know, at least Trump will be a fair match.Clint Black, Country Music Star

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