Celebrity Apprentice

Snap Judgements: Celebrity Apprentice Season 2 (Jan 15)

MYNDI: I couldn’t tell you the name of a single Clint Black song if my life depended on it, but I do know he’s had a very long music career. Obviously,

he’s going to be positioned as the Trace Adkins of the season, all, “I don’t know nuthin’ ’bout no big city folk” and stuff like that. It’s all designed for Trump to talk about The South like it’s another planet.

EJ: I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that Clint Black has appeared on several episodes of King of the Hill as “Chad”. (As in “The Sports Jock and Chad”) Last year, the only thing I knew about Trace Adkins was that he’d been on King of the Hill. Thus, we can assume that Clint Black will come in second place this year. Also, at some point we will probably see another parade of country stars helping him out.
Andrew Dice Clay, Comic
EJ: The Diceman is an interesting case study. He made it big in the late 80’s with his racist, sexist, homophobic material. The guy was huge, and it’s amazing how unfunny it all was. I like to think that the country was hungover, or maybe we thought he was being ironic. He tried a new persona in the 90’s on the short-lived family sitcom Bless this House, until he immediately started making offensive comments about women and African-Americans while promoting the show. I’m still not sure if he was trying to be shocking, if he realized that he could make a lot of money without working very hard, or if he’s actually a bad person.MYNDI: Please let him do “Hickory Dickory Dock” in the boardroom! Seriously, this could go any number of directions, most of them offensive. Dice recently had a reality show that I didn’t watch, about his impending comeback, and I believe he’s mellowed slightly with age, but probably not enough.

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