Celebrity Apprentice

Snap Judgements: Celebrity Apprentice Season 2 (Jan 15)

believe they are technically playing separately, but we won’t know for sure until the show starts. I can’t wait to hear their thoughts on Rodman’s wardrobe, though. Will Joan be hocking her horrible QVC jewelry line while she’s there? More importantly, will she get more plastic surgery? I have the over/under on how long it takes Melissa to yell, “Mom!” at 37 seconds into the premiere.

EJ: First question is, which one will Kristen Wiig play in the inevitable SNL sketch? I can’t wait to see what Trump cites as Melissa’s list of accomplishments when he’s disappointed in her performance. “This is unbelievable, Melissa. You’re a great… uh, well, your mother’s famous and I expected more from you.” I’m counting on them to be a double elimination. Hopefully early. Natalie Gulbis, Professional GolferMYNDI; Yeah, I don’t watch a lot of women’s golf, so I did not know who the hell this was. Googling her name reveals that she has done FHM, has a giant rack and kind of lacks a neck. I’m guessing this last part won’t bother my cohorts in the slightest. With no golfing trophies yet in her five year pro career, but a few million in endorsements, she’s like the Anna Kournikova of golf.

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