Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Episode 200 Part Two!

And now it’s a performance from Mary Poppins.  I have never seen more chimney sweeps in such a small area at once.  It’s freaky.  The whole thing is pretty cool, but I’m more interested in results and 200th episode excitement.  The lady playing Mary Poppins has a bit of a crazed look.  Like, if somebody is murdered backstage, the investigation should begin and end with her. (My 7 year old had the same reaction, though she didn’t articulate it quite that way.–Myndi)

More election results.  Hey, Vince McMahon’s daughter will not be the Governor of Connecticut.  Always good to know.  And that takes us to the first musical number, which is Taylor Swift doing a song from her new album.  I can’t decide how I feel about her.  I mean, I’m not a fan of her music, but I can’t decide if her constantly calling out her exes is awesome or just theater girl histrionics.  Tony, Dmitry, Chelsie, and Lacey all come out and dance, and the men are wearing sweater vests.  In my life there is currently a minor controversy as to whether or not sweater vests are acceptable.  I guess Tony Dovolani is joining Dean Venture as a vote for “yes”.

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