Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Episode 200!

And now, Team Kristi is going to break it town with their Cha Cha.  They’re all wearing identical suits, and it starts with the men dancing while the ladies tear off their suits to reveal pink dresses.  Bristol’s dress is basically a turtleneck, Lacey’s has a much lower neckline, and Cheryl’s is a bikini.

Rick’s up first, but I don’t think this dance plays to his strengths.  His crazy long limbs should be in extension.  Cheryl rocks it, though.  Next it’s Bristol, and it’s the usual thing where she’s trying hard but is really self-conscious.  Kyle just attacks it, though.  It’s not traditional, but it’s kind of clever.  It’s weird when they all come together again though, because this is such a disparate group in terms of their styles and where their separate deficiencies are.  They don’t really present a united front.

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