Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Episode 200!

Len says they’re the underdogs, but they have quite a bite.  Bruno singles out Rick for doing well, and Bristol for going wrong.  Carrie Ann thinks it was a great start to the big show.  The team gets a 24 for the dance.

Next up, it’s Team Apolo.  They try to decide who’s going first, and Kurt is pretty funny.  Jennifer says she has to take a break every two hours.  Maks and Brandy argue.  Kurt and Anna clearly aren’t used to even this minor degree of drama – they look shellshocked.  They’re also dancing the Cha Cha, which is different from how they’ve done this in past years.  The song is “Bust a Move”, and once again I am forced to wonder why Young MC was selected to be the best man at his best friend’s brother’s wedding.  Why wouldn’t the groom choose his brother at least?  How unpopular is he?  Kurt and Anna bust their move first.  It’s not excessively flashy, but Kurt’s movement is really better than it was even a couple of weeks ago.  Then come Brandy and Maks, and they have a really nice, busy routine.  Derek and Jennifer are more elaborate, though it looks like Derek is driving her for part of it.  Kurt and Maks toss Derek around, which is really funny, and then they all come together in a big line of move busting.  It’s pretty sweet.

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