Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Extra!

dancing-with-the-stars logoHere at spunkybean, we tend to become obsessed with pop culture.  If we didn’t, we just wouldn’t be us.  Right now, we’re sort of missing Dancing With the Stars, and we thought you might be, too.  What follows is a special summer treat: reviews of both the Dancing with the Stars Wii game and a DWTS workout DVD.  We’ll let you guess who handled which review.  Please to enjoy!

Dancing With the Stars–We Dance!

I’m a soft touch when it comes to merchandising, as my Simpsons room will attest.  (Actual recent conversation with my mother:  Mom:  “What did you win an award for?”  Me:  “That’s a Dundee…”)  Nowhere is this lack of restraint more painful than the field of videogames.  I will buy any videogame based on my favorite shows, and more often than not, licensed videogames are pretty bad.

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