Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Extra!

The actual gameplay is kind of like Guitar Hero, but without the guitar.  You hold the Wii Remote and Nunchuck in either hand, and move them in response to the onscreen prompts.  While you do this, there’s a nice animated version of your chosen couple dancing.  Sometimes, the view abruptly shifts to Carrie Ann freaking out at the judge’s table, which makes me laugh every time.

Even better, during some stretches, you have to recreate actual dance moves personally.  So without warning, you could be standing in your living room doing the Twist or the Freight Train, or possibly Reeling ‘em In.  It adds a nice interactive element to the game, and makes it more fun than just constantly flicking the controllers.  Sadly, the onscreen characters continue with their assigned dance, rather than mimicking your moves.  I think we can agree that Edyta would be hilarious Raising the Roof.  There’s a bizarre assortment of songs from the series, too.  “She Bangs”, “Mony Mony”, “Walkin’ on the Sun” – there are 40 songs, all of which appeared on the show.

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