Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Extra!

After your dance, the judges offer critiques and score you.  In a clever touch, each of the three judges bases their score on a different aspect of the gameplay.  Carrie Ann judges based on how many steps you hit, for example, while Len focuses on the “Flair Moves”.  It makes more sense than how they score on the actual show, frankly.  And you get to see your couple react to the scores, either looking sad or hugging like crazy people.  The likeness of the dancers and stars are pretty good, too.  Of course, digital representations of real people always look a little creepy.  It’s what they call the Uncanny Valley, and it was one of the chief obstacles for Tracy Jordan in creating a porn video game.  Still, the character design is friendly and just expressive enough to keep you out of Polar Express territory.

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