Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Extra!

Once I started watching, er, working out, I was struck by the whole vibe of the thing.  First, you have Cheryl, who is very much like Tracy Flick from the film Election, and Maks, who’s like the Russian Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing).  The workout is broken out into several segments:  a short warm up led by Cheryl, a toning workout that the two of them split, and four, ten-minute dance sequences.

Cheryl leads you in the merengue and samba, while Maks teaches the cha-cha and mambo.  They are each flanked by the same four dancers, two guys (one of whom is Genya Mazo, who just competed in the Pick a Pro competition this past season) and two chicks.  None of them are referred to by name.  In fact, at one point, Cheryl points out how each one is dancing, and says “see her, pointing her toes?”, “See him, bouncing up and down?”  It’s funny every time.  I’ve seen a lot of workout DVDs, and I can’t remember another one where the people in them were not referred to by name by the instructors.

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