Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Performance Show, Week 8

Previously on Dancing with the Stars:  Lawrence Taylor and Edyta were eliminated, bringing us to that awkward moment every season, when we are suddenly Edyta-free.  It’s like when they do an episode of Scrubs without JD, you know?

Hey, Tom Bergeron!  Can you come up with a rhyme for my least favorite style of dance on this show?  Oh yeah, LIIIIIIIIIVVVE!

OK, there’s an awesome clip of Julianne kicking Chuck in the face during rehearsal.  Between that and the Team Dance, I am quite excited about tonight’s episode.  Things are already off to a weird start when Tony descends the stairs by himself, without Melissa Rycroft.  Uh-oh.  Tony looks awkward, too.  You’d think he’d be more excited about having the camera to himself.  But no, he actually looks kind of upset.

Tom tells us right off that Melissa suffered an injury, and we’ll find out more later.  Huh, this should make the Team Dance kind of difficult, right?  We’ll get to that later – for now, let’s get to the individual dances, from first to worst.

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