Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Performance Week 4 (Oct 14)

Bruno says it’s not musical and that his accountant does a better samba.  Damn!  Carrie Ann compliments his effort but says the dancing is lacking.  Len gives him the old “you had fun!” also, and it’s clear they aren’t even going to try to help him improve.  Backstage, Rocco and Karina just hope they did Misty proud.  They got three 6’s for an 18.

Susan and Tony are on deck.  She’s amazed that Carrie Ann called her “timid” last week.  She’s decided to summon her legendary alter ego, Erica Kane, for the tango.  Tony reminds the uninitiated that Erica’s been married 10 times and even staged a prison break, so this should be nothing.  And Susan also got Tony a small part on All My Children, to go along with the week’s little theme.  On the show, Tony is on crutches and his face is bruised.  His one line is, “Sorry, Ms. Kane”.  He is awful.  The audience laughs at him. Really.  They do their tango and it’s a classic routine, with lots of basic moves, but I don’t see all that much expression on her face throughout.  At the end, Susan slaps Tony, which is basically wish fulfillment for me.  I don’t know; she just bores me.

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