Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Performance Week 4 (Oct 14)

Carrie Anne says it was “moving art”.  Len says it had drama and passion.  Bruno calls her a “tough broad”.  Tom refers to the duo as “Susan and Brando” and sends them backstage.  It’s straight 8s for a 24.

Brooke and Derek are doing the samba.  He takes her to some sort Brazilian restaurant.  She ends up joining the samba line, or whatever that’s called.  Oh, I’m sure that was spontaneous.  In rehearsal, Derek is, in Brooke’s words, “freaky”, and they are having a blast.  Her costume is just like it was in the restaurant, while his is a white button down and black tie, paired with nerdy black specs.  The glasses come off quickly, and his shirt gets unbuttoned along with his hair getting mussed.  It’s a hot routine.  Len thinks it’s too erotic.  Bruno says he’s either not getting enough or getting too much.  Len did like their stationary samba walks.  Bruno calls it ” a sex bomb”.  He says it was raunchy and he needs a smoke.  Carrie Ann says Brooke’s combination of athleticism, sensuality and grace will help her go all the way.  Derek keeps it at 11, and I think someone had too much sugar!  Samantha tries to dance and she should just do that again.  They get 9s from Carrie Ann and Bruno and an 8 from Len for a 26.

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