Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Performance Week 4 (Oct 14)

Finally, we have Warren and Kym doing the samba.  Warren says it’s time to get his “party on”.  Kym says they’re going on a field trip.  She takes him to see some Brazilian martial artists do something called Kapawera, which I must be mispelling, because Google gave me nothing.  Warren actually does a handstand during this!  In the ballroom, he seems to be constantly on his tiptoes, and it kind of looks like when Fred Flintstone bowls.  He shoots Carrie Ann a little look at the end.  He is nothing if not full of personality.

Carrie Ann says, “You crack me up!”  She thinks although last week was great, tonight was off “a hair”.  Len says it was a joy to watch, but there was too much of Warren gyrating and Kym dancing around him.  Bruno wants more content from “The Big Easy”  and says Warren knows this wasn’t enough.  Backstage, Cloris wanders over, as is her wont, and Warren and Kym receive an 8 from Carrie Ann and two 7s from the guys for a 22.  We also find out that the four new dances next week will be the Jitterbug, The aforementioned West Coast Swing, the Hustle and the Salsa.  Is the Hustle really something you do in ballroom?  I mean, considering that a good 30 to 40 percent of people doing the Hustle at any given time are drunk at a wedding reception?  I kind of wish they’d included The Lambada, even though I know it’s The Forbidden Dance.

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