Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Performance Week 4 (Oct 14)

Bruno says this was a proper tango with no gimmicks and he liked it.  Carrie Ann corrects me, saying Cody was tripping on Julianne’s outfit and that he wasn’t actually making mistakes.  Eh, I still thought it looked odd.  Len says it was sharp, aggressive, and Cody’s best dance.  OK, I’m officially lousy at judging dance.  On their way backstage, Tom tells us tomorrow night will feature R&B singer Ne-Yo and the return of the ballroom kids competition.  Welcome home, EJ!  You get to tackle the robo-kids first! Cody & Julianne get a 7 from Carrie Ann and 8’s from the guys for a 23.  He’s all “Yay!  Michael Jordan!” and Julianne’s all, “Who?”  Cody explains and sort of endears himself to me a bit in the process. Tom cracks that Cody is in charge of everyone’s luggage tonight, since he is sort of dressed like a bellhop.

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