Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars, Season 12 – Week 8 Results

Tonight’s results show was jam packed with performances including James Blunt, Nikki Minaj and Wayne Brady. I dare any other show on TV to match that combination. We started with the Encore Dance: Team Chelsea’s Cha Cha to “Born This Way”. Seriously, that’s a great routine. Except for the way Mark Ballas insists on pulling focus constantly. Stop it, Mark. Your job is to highlight your partner and make her look great. I realize you may still be experiencing a little Bristol Palin hangover, but Chelsea Kane is a competent dancer and at times it looks like you forget she’s even there with you. Also, no one is impressed when you start spouting off all the steps you put into your routines and your British accent suddenly appears. Stop acting like a petulant six year old already. Jeez.

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Wayne Brady. On TV, still? Wow.

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