Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars, Season 12 – Week 8 Results

Did you know Nikki Minaj is the only artist to have 8 titles on the Hot 100 chart in a single year? That happens when you are a “featured artist” on every rapper’s single. She also kicked ass (pun intended) in the hilarious “Bride of Blackenstein” skit on SNL earlier this year. If you missed it, check it out online. Lacey Schwimmer (who FINALLY colored her hair, and it looks fab) and Chelsie Hightower dance to “Moment for Life” along with some dudes who are not Our Pros, so who cares. It’s a cool dance to a cool song, which Nikki gets credit for singing live.

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Wayne Brady. On TV, still? Wow.

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