Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Results (Week 3)

Sorry for the lateness of this recap.  My DVR was rebelling against the hour of massive filler and decided not to record it, so I had to wait for abc to put it on their website!

We’re told that last night the ballroom was “on fire” with perfection, laughter and raw emotion.  Or, it may just have been Cloris’ bunyons.

Tom & Samantha promise an incredible show.  Let’s get underway, shall we?  I know, let’s recap something Tom calls “one of the best nights of the competition yet.”  Warren says Kym told him to wink at Carrie Ann to get a 9.  I bet Carrie Ann feels silly now.  Susan and her bony chest tell us that she’s ready to slide her butt across the floor again.  Cloris is giggling uncontrollably in the post-dance interview, and I am concerned.

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