Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Results (Week 3)

Back out to the fake drama of the obvious non-elimination.  Warren and Kym and Toni and Alec are ticked off next.  Four couples are left waiting, and none of them look too nervous.  Backstage, Samantha’s shoulder blades look like you should not stand too close, lest you cut yourself or poke out an eye.  Both Warren and Toni are happy to be safe, and Warren is so pleased that he is babbling almost incoherently.  Really, I got nothing.

So, here’s a SHOCKER:  No one is going home tonight!  Well, I’ll be!  Julianne and Karina still look a little puzzled, but it might be because someone’s taken far too many words to explain that this weeks scores and votes carry over to the next round.  Really, that’s all that needed to be said.  We are going to be told who would have gone home, so that’s a new wrinkle.  Let’s talk to the judges for a bit, shall we?  Len thought Misty would have gone far had she stayed, maybe even the final.  Carrie Ann does little more than wish the bottom dwellers good luck.  Bruno suggests they all have the goods, but have to deliver a breakthrough performance.

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