Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Results: Week 5 (Oct 22)

Brian Setzer and his orchestra are up next, and they’ve slaughtered an entire pack of leopards in order to make their hideous jackets.  Fashion nightmare aside, they are playing “Rock This Town” while Louis Van Amstel and Karina dance a ridiculously fast-paced Jive.  It’s amazing and they look great.  Setzer is still rocking the pompadour but he could probably mix in a salad or two if he ever wants to get back to the good old Stray Cats days.   Dude is a little puffy.  The band rocks, though.  I’ve seen them live, and I do respect the fact that Brian Setzer is dedicated to this level of musicianship. We’ve got horns, strings, percussion, the whole shebang.  An overall awesome performance.

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