Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Results: Week 5 (Oct 22)

The couples’ rankings are recapped yet again, and really, considering there was a recap show before this started tonight on top of everything else, we’re just going to breeze right by this. Now, let’s find out who our first two safe couples are.  Warren and Kym are saved first, and then…Cloris and Corky!  He essentially tries to eat her face off, so delighted is he at the news.  Backstage, Samantha asks if they’re relieved.  You’ll be blown away to find they are!  Then she mentions next week’s group hip-hop, which is the exact reason Cloris was saved, and, to my horror, Samantha Harris attempts to freestyle.  She needs to stop that immediately.  The only white girl allowed to rap is Amy Poehler.

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