Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season 10 Finale!

Um, hi, why the hell does VIENNA get to dance with Dmitry while Jake dances with Chelsie?    Oh, after a bout a minute, the pros tag out for Jake and Vienna to dance a few bars together.  It’s really stupid and annoying.

Filler segment #1 ranks the Top 5 argument of the season.  #5 is Nicole and Derek arguing over nothing.  Aiden and Edyta feeling bad for making each other feel bad.  Jake telling Chelsie to change her choreography.  Maks and Erin arguing…every week.  Kate forcing Tony to say he quits, which she swore was edited.

Results.  Despite how much everyone I talked to wanted her to win, Erin & Maks finish third.  Erin says she knew this would happen.  She says the show helped her put her life back together and thanks everyone involved as well as her family.  Tom says this is the most emotional he’s seen Maks at an elimination.  Maks feigns shock, but it’s pretty obvious from the body language how comfortable they are with each other.  In their clip package, it’s nice to see them grow as a team.  And, in the interview within the package, they seriously look like a married couple.  Maks even says that he made the finals when he saw Erin smile, which got an “Aw” from me and Erin’s head on his shoulder.  If they aren’t dating, something is wrong with this world.

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