Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, Elimination Week 1

In another clip package, everybody talks about how much it would suck to be the first one eliminated. It seems like it’s way tougher on the pros – it’s cool that we’re eleven years in, and they’re still so into it.

Tom points out the stars of Better with You in the audience, which is coincidentally premiering on ABC tomorrow! What are the odds? I don’t think I’ll watch that show, but man, I like that Joann Garcia. She’s adorable. Then he kicks it to Brooke, who is waiting with everybody who isn’t safe. Hasselhoff calls it “America’s Got Talent payback”, and Brandy has very weird diction when she says she feels like she’s going to have a heart attack. Tom teases the possibility of a shocker, which makes me very nervous.

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