Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 11, Performance Week 4

Brandy and Maks (48/60)–They went on a fake date and Brandy picked on Maks for not giving her flowers properly. I was a little worried they would still be having issues, but it looks like they’ve made up. That? was hot. Ray J approves, which should concern me, but it doesn’t. Bruno compared it to people stealing moments of passion a moonlit garden. He nitpicks her leg placement. Carrie Ann loved it. Len compliments some of the basic steps, even though it was bit “hot and spicy” for him. (Technical: 22 Performance: 26)

Audrina and Tony (46/60)–Audrina is worried about getting wrinkles from squinting. Clearly, this would be a disastrous development for her. This dance seems a little wooden and a lot tentative. And I saw zero in the way of performance. She just seemed tense to me. Carrie Ann wants her to really extend her toes. She also thought her dismounts from the lifts were weird. Len liked it, but didn’t get “transported”. Bruno calls her a detatched ice queen. He calls out her lack of sharpness as well. The scores indicate that they still really like her, but I’m not getting it. (Technical: 24 Performance: 22)

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