Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 11, Performance Week 4

Kyle and Lacey (40/60)–Because of all the harping on his footwork last week, that was Kyle’s big focus. My eyes are glued to them and he does much better. Len gives him props, even though he thought it was a bit “stacatto”. Bruno agrees, saying rumba has to flow. Carrie Ann says he might have forgotten about his upper half after all his focus on his feet. There’s all kinds of awkward talk about teenage hormones and Lacey being hot which are NOT very Disney. (Technical: 18 Performance: 22)

Rick and Cheryl (39/60)–Cheryl travelled all the way to Argentina over the summer, and is hoping to put all she learned to good use. She obviously learned about the importance of moustaches, since Rick is sporting one this week. Rick seems insanely focused on the lifts, and as a result, his steps don’t seem as sharp and crisp to me. Carrie Ann says it seemed one dimensional, like he was concentrating too hard, mentioning the shape of the stage. Len compliments the lifts and then says what I did–the legs could have been sharper and crisper. That never happens! Bruno compares Rick to Megatron, of all things. I love when Brooke asks questions the stars have already answered in their pre-dance package. Useless, that one. (Technical: 19 Performance: 20)

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