Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 11, Performance Week 4

Florence and Corky (35/60)–Let’s not talk about their package, where we almost saw Corky’s, OK? Blech. Is their rumba age appropriate while being technically proficient? It was ambitious, a little sexy and also kinda awkward. Chris Knight is on hand to be grossed out; then again he’s married to Adrienne Curry, so he clearly works on a sliding scale of what’s acceptable. Carrie Ann says she was a bit uncomfortable. Len says it was better than he expected. Bruno basically says less is more and he’s seen better as far as technique. (Technical: 17 Performance: 18)

Kurt and Anna (34/60)–He’s having a hard time dancing intimately with someone who isn’t his wife, so Anna’s husband Jonathan brought Brenda in to check on their progress with the rumba. Kurt is clearly enjoying this gig and his really enthusiastic hip action proves it. I know that sounds gross, but I’ve just never seen a male celeb on this show who was so into swiveling his hips! And I finally pay enough attention to catch the infamous “pancake hands”! Mmmm, pancakes… Len says the hips are a little better when he moves “laterally” but he’s pigeon toed when he steps forward. He liked the story, though. Bruno is worried about the hands still. He also wanted more “raunch”, of course. Carrie Ann loved the chemistry and intimacy. (Technical: 15 Performance: 19)

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