Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars-Season 11, Performance, Week 5

On the plus side, they do show a big hunk of Kurt Warner’s Week Two Jive, which means we see Anna in her Week Two Jive outfit, and I think you know where I’m going with that. (Down, boy.–Myndi)

After nearly half an hour of filler, it’s time to introduce the start.  Now, you know Anna is always first in my heart, but Cheryl’s sexy cop outfit has assured her a strong second place.  But enough of that – it’s time for dancing!  And here they are, from first to worst!

Brandy and Maksim Chmerkovskiy (27/30) – They’ve got the theme from Friends, which is a pretty good one for dancing, I would think.  In rehearsal, Maks very definitely does not smack Brandy’s ass, because he’s caught enough hell for that, thank you very much.  Their dance is the Quickstep, and they start out sitting in the audience, applauding like goons.  Then they do this very cool slide halfway across the floor.  And man, once they get moving, they’re hauling.  I like the way they’re not actually evoking the fountain dancing from the actual Friends opening.  Also, that middle section of the song that they never played on TV is really weird.  The dance is really cool with amazing energy.  Len absolutely loved it.  Bruno’s totally impressed and broke his pen tapping out the rhythm.  Carrie Ann also is happy.  She scores a 27, which I think is well-deserved.

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One Comment

  1. For the record, Maurice Greene is not dead. I don’t know why I threw the word “Memorial” in there….

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