Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars-Season 11, Performance, Week 5

Kurt Warner and Anna Trebunskaya (24/30)  – Ooh, the theme from Bewitched!  Since Anna didn’t grow up in America, Kurt has to explain the premise to her.  She tells him about the Russian dogs that went into space for some reason, and starts calling him “Bilka”, which is one of their names.  Because I’m getting crazier as I get older, my reaction to seeing a picture of dogs on my TV is to say out loud, “Oooh, puppies!”   They start out behind the audience, with Kurt doing a pretty good Dick York facial expression.  Also, Anna can’t quite do the nose wiggle, but she is adorable as a bunny riding a panda when she tries.  I am not impartial, but I really like this one.  It’s not as quick as you might hope, but it picks up speed at the end.  Kurt’s arms are less goony than usual, and he’s even hiding his frying pan hands.  This one was fun!  Tom picks up on the Dick York face, and Carrie Ann says he invoked Gene Kelly.  Len is excited by his improvement and calls it “great”.  Bruno says his posture was problematic but calls it “brilliant”.  And EJ has some voting to do…  And that’s 24 – good job!

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One Comment

  1. For the record, Maurice Greene is not dead. I don’t know why I threw the word “Memorial” in there….

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