Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars-Season 11, Performance, Week 5

Kyle Massey and Lacey Schwimmer (20/30) – It’s the theme from Charlie’s Angels, even though, as Tom points out, Kyle looks like Isaac, The Love Boat’s bartender.  In order to recreate the vibe, Lacey brings in Kym and Chelsie to fill out the Angel roster.  Hi, Kym!  I missed you!  They’re dancing the Fox Trot, and British voiceover guy announces it through an intercom.  Hee.  Kyle starts out at a big desk, while Lacey and her Farrah hair are at the judge’s table.  They throw a bit of a hustle in there, but it seems to me like Kyle never quite hits the mark.  You can tell that Lacey is struggling to get his arms where they’re supposed to be – he’s actually much better on his own than in hold.  It was still fun, but it was not clean.  Bruno confuses the young’uns by referencing Richard Pryor, and says there wasn’t enough Fox Trot in their Fox Trot.  Carrie Ann loved it, though.  Len says it started bad and got worse, and says he couldn’t stand it.  They get a 20, which includes a 5 from Len.  He hated it.  (I thought it was really FUN!–Myndi)

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One Comment

  1. For the record, Maurice Greene is not dead. I don’t know why I threw the word “Memorial” in there….

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