Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars-Season 11, Performance, Week 6

Bristol Palin & Mark (23 +5=28) Bristol is actually surprisingly good at the Tango, but she should never air guitar again, nor should she try to impersonate Gene Simmons.  Bruno says it was her best yet.  Carrie Ann is over the top in her praise.  Len is also complimentary, but says he has to dock her a point for coming out of hold, which must be kept in the Tango once it’s established.

Kurt Warner & Anna (18 + 4= 22) OK, EJ instant messaged me the second he saw this dance, so I’ve got high hopes. First bombshell: Kurt is visited by Bret Michaels, who helps him get more “rock n roll”.  No doubt, he’s angling to be on Season 12.  A Paso Doble to “The Final Countdown”, done by his favorite redhead, is what EJ has wanted since he was a young boy.  And it’s a good one, down to the point where he drags her over to the judges table.  It wasn’t world-beating, but it was fun.  Carrie Ann thought it lacked polish.  Len thought it was awkward.  Bruno says the lines looked more like karate than “Banderas”.

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