Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, Results Week 3

The Results Show opens with a brief recap of how “story night” played out. Hey, remember back when the producers thought a dance off was a good idea? I believe that lasted one season. So, this gimmick has officially become some sort of DWTS tradition. And any year we can through it without another “Paparazzi” performance, we’ll consider it a success. Check that–Len is calling for an encore of The Situation’s futuristic foxtrot. Not only do we have to watch a tiny, orange man attempt to execute a foxtrot (poorly), we have to listen to world’s worst rendition of “Boom Boom Pow” ever created. Anything that makes me appreciate the vocal stylings of Fergie and will.i.am is just upsetting. Tom does make me laugh out loud, though, when he says that by doing the dance a second time, they’re able to amortize the cost of the time machine. That was funny. Too bad Situation probably has no idea what the word means.

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