Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, Results Week 3

Now Donny Osmond is going all “man on the street” in Vegas, asking people who they like best in the season 11 cast. People like Audrina; one woman even claims she has a personality. Various guys with various degrees of unfortunate abs flash the camera in homage to The Situation. Guys, I’m pretty sure Donny was asking for a fist pump. One girl is proud of her Snookie “poof” and I am sad on her behalf.

Back to business. We have Rick and Cheryl, Brandy and Maks and Jennifer and Derek up next. Jennifer and Derek are sent to safety, while Rick and Cheryl are told they are in jeopardy, which Cheryl does not hear correctly. Brooke loudly reminds her, and Tom jokes that Cheryl seemed to be taking it really well. Brandy and Maks are safe.

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