Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, Results Week 4

And here they are, the Goo Goo Dolls. They’re doing a medley of “Iris” and their new single, and I feel like this might get me beat up, but I actually really like “Iris”. I do not like their new song nearly as much, but there’s nothing wrong with it, really. They look totally bored as they perform, because that’s how bands in the late 90’s looked. All of them had better things to do than sing. Except for the boy bands – those guys were full of piss and vinegar.

Brooke is backstage with Kyle Massey, Bristol Palin, and their respective partners. Kyle gives a shout-out to a “Tim Smirkles”, which everybody finds funny. Then Kyle makes fun of Mark for taking off his shirt, and Mark seems less amused when he shoots back “Why don’t you take yours off?” But this does lead Tom to show a DanceCenter clip when Jerry Rice, Kenny Mayne, and Len all have their shirts off. Hee.

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