Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars–Season 12, Performance Week 2

Kendra Wilkinson & Louis (19/30; 37/60)–Quickstep–Kendra’s theme this week is her struggle to be a lady and to be confident.  Therapists across the nation think about all the hours they could treat and charge her for to discuss her many, many issues.  As far as her costuming, Kendra looks like she played in mommy’s makeup kit and the blue and fuschia gown is not good either.  Louis does his best to sort of push her around the dance floor while being accompanied by the worst quickstep music ever…I can’t identify this song to save my life.  She looks nervous the entire time and never really loosens up.  Bruno points out her messy footwork and bad lines.  Carrie Ann is encouraging.  Len uses the word “chesticles” while ramping up to say she actually did well.  I agree with Bruno.

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