Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars–Season 12, Performance Week 2

Wendy Williams & Tony (17/30; 31/60)–Quickstep– It was a fun routine, with a lot more personality than last week.  She starts out with more steam than she ends with, but it’s understandable.  Len calls it “economical”, Bruno says it’s a step in the right direction and then they all give her lousy scores.

Mike Catherwood & Lacey (17/30; 30/60)–Jive–Mike’s plan to stick around? “Explode Len and Bruno’s faces with my fiery dance moves”.  He puts his heart and soul into it, but try as he might, he’s just so stiff!  His kicks are so sharp they’re brittle.  And his arm movements don’t seem at all natural.  I do find him amusing though, so I hope maybe he’ll show up for Dance Center or something, because I don’t see him being long for the season.  Len says it was better than last week, but not to get excited.  Carrie Ann notes his pigeon toes (oh, man) and says he needs to think of the routine as a whole.

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