Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week 5

They’re dancing the Foxtrot to “American Woman”.  Well, I guess it’s got “America” in the title, but that’s kind of a reach.  Maks loses his shirt instantly.  I like Kirstie, which surprises me, but this is not a great dance.  You can see her looking at her feet, which I don’t think you’re supposed to do.  Maks is strutting around and drawing focus, because this dance just isn’t quite there.  It’s not bad, and it’s better than you’d expect from her, but I think we’re kind of hitting her limits as a dancer.

Carrie Ann thought it was her best dance, proving that I don’t know anything.  Len said the basics were good, but it wasn’t his cup of tea.  Bruno calls Maks a Russian Gigolo and wonders how much he charges.  Huh.  That was weird, I’m not gonna lie.  They get a 23.

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