Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week 5

Bruno thought it was “absolutely wonderful”.  Carrie Ann says they’ve underestimated him.  Len makes a remark about Cheryl’s boobs, which is my job.  Len then says he’ll get an 8 when he deserves one, but his footwork needs work.  You know, Chris is actually pretty charming.  He gets a 26, including an 8 from Len.  He deserved it!

Romeo and Chelsie Hightower (26/30) – Romeo is playing to beat his dad.  Which, you know, happened on week one.  But still, good motivation, kid!  They’re dancing a Foxtrot, and he tells us that he’s going to put “swagger” into “New York, New York”, and is “swagger” going to be his thing now?  Because I’m already tired of it. 

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