Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week 5

OK, I cut the band a lot of slack because they have to do so many performances in different styles ever week.  But the vocals on this are really rough.  Frank Sinatra’s ghost is going to pimp-slap this guy.  Actually, I like this better than most of Romeo’s performances, because he seems like he’s into the dance, rather than trying to look cool.  He actually seems like he’s having fun, which hasn’t really happened with him before.  That said, I will not remember this dance by the time I post this recap.  It’s just kind of there.

Len thinks he’s on the right road, but he’s got a lot of work to do.  Bruno thinks he has swagger and flavor, and was suitably “cheeky”.  Carrie Ann likes the way he embraced ballroom this week.  Wow, Carrie Ann and I are in agreement.  That feels wrong, somehow.  He gets a personal best 26, which is baffling to me.  He then tells us he’s dancing for America and God.  Wow, somebody’s stumping for votes.  How do you feel about puppies Romeo?  Do you believe that they’re adorable?

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