Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week Three

It’s the ukulele version of the song, which makes for an awkward pairing with the Rumba.  I feel like they just couldn’t get on the same page with the choreography here, because Kirstie seems to be struggling.  I mean, better than you could ask from somebody who just turned sixty, but this doesn’t click the way her first dance did.  Unfortunately, they fall early on, and it seems to be Maks’ fault.  They’re in a hold, and he’s got his legs spread out, and he looks like he just gets a Charlie Horse, and they drop to the ground.  He does not recover quickly either – they get to their feet and he’s still limping.  He actually stops for a few seconds to gather himself.  The rest of the dance seems disjointed to me, but I have a hard time pointing to anything specific, other than the fall.  So what good am I, then?

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