Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week Three

Carrie Ann says that despite the fall, something magical happened.  Len is proud of them for recovering.  I think they’re going easy since the fall was not at all her fault.  Bruno says that once they got up, they were better than ever.  They end up with a 21, which is a bit high for a dance including a fall, but it’s hard not to like her.  (I think it all comes down to that, really.–Myndi)

Ralph Macchio and Karina Smirnoff (21/30) – The overall leader after the first two performances, and also the focus of a minor hairpiece controversy.  For the record, I think he might be wearing a piece, but I’m not great at spotting things like that.  It would actually have to fall off before I could be sure.  They’ve got a Rumba, and the song is “So Gold”.  Well, he says “Stay Gold”, but the sheet music onscreen says “So Gold”.  Who you gonna believe, punk?  He’s dedicating the song to his wife, but his story is kind of lacking.  Yeah, his 24-year marriage needs some more zazz.

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