Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week Three

His arms still seem weird to me, which means that a Rumba is not ideal.  There’s a lot of posing in the Rumba, and when his lines are a mess, it really takes away from the dance.  Strangely, Karina doesn’t really take advantage of his asset – his feet.  There’s only one stretch near the end when they really cover any ground.  And that looks great, but so much of the rest has him standing in place.  I think the judges will like it, but I want more dancing.

Len says the routine was clear, but needs refinement.  Overall, though, it was very appealing.  Bruno says he’s still doing the “spatula thing” with his hands and feels he doesn’t have chemistry with Karina.  Carrie Ann says it was very sweet, and Len loudly disagrees.  Hee.  She picks on his core strength, though.  Ralph ends up with a 21, his lowest score yet.  (Jericho endeared himself to me by yelling “Do It For Johnny!” over Brooke reading the phone number.–Myndi)

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