Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week Three

Bruno actually thinks he was too into it, and that made his footwork go astray.  I think it’s because he conveys emotion by looking up.  Carrie Ann called it really nice, and saw improvement.  Len calls it a huge step back, and them makes fun of Romeo’s googly eyes.  Damn, Len is merciless!  He gets a 20, with the low score coming from Len. (Like Tom always says, he needs more FIBER!–Myndi)

Sugar Ray Leonard and Anna Trebunskaya (20/30) – They were in danger right up to the end last week, and it was very stressful for all of us.  The judges haven’t embraced him, but I think he’s delightful.  He’s pretty shook up about his time under the red light, and now he’s going to beat the odds.  His song is “My Prerogative”, which he played at his big comeback fight.  I am thrilled that their dance is a paso doble, because Anna and the paso are an unbeatable combination.

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