Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Performance Week Three

Tom congratulates Carrie Ann on her recent engagement, and then the critiques begin.  Len says it’s difficult to convey emotion in a dance, and while Wendy worked hard, the dance was a struggle, and “the dance was more suited to the radio”.  Ouch.  Bruno compares her to the Statue of Liberty, but says she looks like she put down roots.  Carrie Ann says she took a step backward this week.  She gets a 15, and then Wendy yells at us.

Obviously Wendy is in danger with her low score, but I have a hard time imagining that Romeo is going to bring in many votes.  Plus, his partner has had some really unlikable partners, and I don’t think she has a following of her own the way Cheryl or Maks does.

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