Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Results Week 6

We start with recaps of Chelsea and Romeo, and they show us Mark’s practice injury that was mentioned without much detail on last night’s show.  You know, I’m not a giant fan of these lengthy clip packages about every dance.  I mean, filler is filler, but at this point it’d be nice to get one of those screwy video pieces.  You know, what the stars’ handwriting says about them, or whatever.  Anyway, both of the highest scoring couples are safe, which should not surprise anybody.

Bafflingly, Kendra and Louis get the encore dance, and Len calls it one of the hottest dances ever.  I just don’t see the Kendra appeal, and I’m a guy who is easily distracted by boobs.  But I don’t know.  I think she could actually just dance naked every week and it wouldn’t mean anything to me.  I guess the point is that she dances again, and it does nothing for me.

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