Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Results Week 6

Brooke talks to Ralph Macchio and Karina about her fall, which is clearly just them getting the chance to make up for not getting a chance to talk last night.  They’re very sweet together, even though Ralph is kind of a dork and I’ve never forgiven Karina for dumping Maks.  (I don’t actually know if that’s how it went down, but that’s the version of events in my head.)  However, my friend Sam is very excited about her Playboy issue.  I just thought I’d mention that. 

After another clip package, we check in with Hines Ward and Kirstie Alley.  Hines and Kym are safe, because they’re going to end up winning this whole thing, just you wait.  Kirstie and Maks are also safe.  So the four highest scorers are safe, and the three in the bottom are left hanging.  They’re not really creating a lot of dramatic tension here. 

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