Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Results Week 6

We check in with the Dancing with the Stars B-Team, and I seriously don’t know what the deal is with this troupe.  Are they getting their own spinoff?  I swear, they’re the Poochies of this show.  And they make me nervous because I assume they’re waiting in the wings in case one of the pros wants more money.  Sorry, short blonde lady with the giant mouth – you are no Anna or Kym. 

Time for the Macy’s Stars of Dance performance.  I usually like these, but this one is full of dancing children, and if the Ballroom Kids of past years have taught us nothing else, it’s that kids who dance at a professional level are kind of unsettling.  After a bit, they’re replaced by adults because they fall in love during the first dance then grow up into adults who don’t look like their younger selves and get married.  Then they’re replaced by an older couple.  The TV editing has one scene dissolve into another, but I bet they’re actually just performed on different parts of the stage, and the main couple are not, in fact, shape-shifters. Just a guess.

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