Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Results Week 6

And with that, it’s time for the elimination.  Sadly, Chris and Cheryl are eliminated.  Awwww.  Holy crap, is that Vince McMahon in the audience?  I think it is!  Poor Chris – is he going to go back to hosting Downfall?  Because that’s a fate I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.  Kendra, for example.  I’ll miss him, which is surprising.  Good luck, Chris!  If Fozzy ever comes to my part of town, and the tickets are dirt cheap, I will come see a show.  Deal?

Next week?  More dancing!  We’re down to the final six, and I will see you for a fresh recap on Monday.  I think I’m throwing my full support behind Hines and Kym now, so update your office pools accordingly.

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